Tuesday, December 27, 2011


All Christmas and Hanukkah items are 50% off this week!!!

Also, Melissa & Doug is on sale: 35% off puzzles, 25% off everything else!

And to wrap up the sale, all Quadrilla Marble Runs are 25% off!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

A White Halloween...?

It is snowing in Denver!!! But does that mean we'll have a white Halloween? Probably not. In fact, my money says this is all melted tomorrow, Friday for sure. In fact, it looks like Halloween will be clear and cool, 54/32, just right for Trick-or-Treating, if you bundle up a bit :)

If you haven't completed your little one's costume yet, come in to the store!! All Halloween merchandise is 50% off!!! That's right, all of it! Half off! We still have a few flashlights, treat bags, witch hats, onesies, babylegs and tights, decor, and more!

If you do plan on Trick-or-Treating, please remember these safety tips from www.cpsc.gov :

Treats: Warn children not to eat any treats before an adult has carefully examined them for evidence of tampering.

Flame Resistant Costumes: When purchasing a costume, masks, beards, and wigs, look for the label Flame Resistant. Although this label does not mean these items won't catch fire, it does indicate the items will resist burning and should extinguish quickly once removed from the ignition source. To minimize the risk of contact with candles or other sources of ignition, avoid costumes made with flimsy materials and outfits with big, baggy sleeves or billowing skirts.

Costume Designs: Purchase or make costumes that are light and bright enough to be clearly visible to motorists.

  • For greater visibility during dusk and darkness, decorate or trim costumes with reflective tape that will glow in the beam of a car's headlights. Bags or sacks should also be light colored or decorated with reflective tape. Reflective tape is usually available in hardware, bicycle, and sporting goods stores.
  • To easily see and be seen, children should also carry flashlights.
  • Costumes should be short enough to prevent children from tripping and falling.
  • Children should wear well-fitting, sturdy shoes . Mother' s high heels are not a good idea for safe walking.
  • Hats and scarfs should be tied securely to prevent them from slipping over children's eyes.
  • Apply a natural mask of cosmetics rather than have a child wear a loose-fitting mask that might restrict breathing or obscure vision. If a mask is used, however, make sure it fits securely and has eyeholes large enough to allow full vision.
  • Swords, knives, and similar costume accessories should be of soft and flexible material.

Pedestrian Safety: Young children should always be accompanied by an adult or an older, responsible child. All children should WALK, not run from house to house and use the sidewalk if available, rather than walk in the street. Children should be cautioned against running out from between parked cars, or across lawns and yards where ornaments, furniture, or clotheslines present dangers.

Choosing Safe Houses: Children should go only to homes where the residents are known and have outside lights on as a sign of welcome.

  • Children should not enter homes or apartments unless they are accompanied by an adult.
  • People expecting trick-or-treaters should remove anything that could be an obstacle from lawns, steps and porches. Candlelit jack-o'-lanterns should be kept away from landings and doorsteps where costumes could brush against the flame. Indoor jack-o'-lanterns should be kept away from curtains, decorations, and other furnishings that could be ignited.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hi! Cocheiska, the Assistant Manager/Photographer here :) I'll be helping Aly out, writing a few posts, keeping you guys current with our deals, whats new and cool in the store, and lots of other fun stuff.

For now, I want to be sure you all know about our Facebook Friends Check-In deal this month. Until Sunday October 30th, when you are in the store, just check-in via Facebook to receive 15% off any non-sale item (excluding Ergo). Cool, right!?!? So if you haven't "liked" us yet, like us, like us!

See you soon!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Petunia Picklebottom Promo!

Come in this week (october 2nd- october 8th) and buy a Petunia Picklebottom bag from their fall collection and receive a free shoppers tote! Hurry while supplies last!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Good Reason!

I am going to get better about this I promise, how you ask? Well I just spoke with my amazing Assistant Manager and she is going to start helping to post blogs, and sales, and interesting happenings!! That way you can all be informed and see what is really going on at naturally loved!

So the main reason for my lack of postings this past summer is... we are pregnant and expecting our other naturally loved bundle on February 21st! Right now we are all good but it was a rough summer. I have never been this nauseous EVER! I finally have morning sickness just in the morning! Needless to say we are thrilled and cannot wait to meet our
surprise. That is right, a surprise so for those of you who come into the store asking what I am having... so sorry :) We love the surprise and especially for me it is a test of will! As for those of you who know me well, you can absolutely chime in...I can't keep a surprise to save my life!

I hope that those who do read this are happy and well and are ready for fall weather! Here in Denver the leaves are quickly changing, such a short windo
w, and fall is definitely in the air. The pumpkin spiced lattes, fresh baked goodies, crunching of falling leaves, and cute kiddos dressed up!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Summer is here!

Well summer is finally here and so much seems to be going on! Father's day weekend always feels like the kick off to summer especially here in Denver. There were countless street festivals, opening days of summer markets, and several music performances....if you couldn't find something to do this past weekend you probably weren't trying! Ha. We had a sick child so missed the planned baseball game but made it to our good friends birthday party on Sunday afternoon. It is so crazy to me how fast this season flies by. We pack everything into summer...gotta get your camping trips in, summer concerts, pool time etc... I grew up in Florida where summer is all year around so this scrambling to do it all never existed until I moved away and experienced what four seasons was really like. It does not have to be a scramble, take your time, enjoy poolside, build an awesome fire with your kids, go firefly hunting. If you miss something no worries, there's always next summer!
So with summer officially here take some time for yourself. Personally I welcome summer with an amazing meditation practice. If weather permits, I will set my alarm for 4:30am on the morning of the summer solstice and sit on my front porch meditating and waiting. Waiting for summer to arrive, you can hear the birds wake up, feel the sun rise, and listen to everything around you including yourself awaken to summer. It truly is an amazing experience.
Have a happy and safe summer! Here are some pics of my little naturally loved one enjoying her summer!

Friday, March 18, 2011

A Pledge

I saw this pledge in Parents magazine this past month and it made me think how often we drive with our little ones on the road. Many of us careless without realizing the harm we place our children and ourselves in. I ask you to read this, take it in, ask yourself if you do any of these things, and take this pledge. Your children's lives and yours are too important...

Distracted driving is thought to be the cause of 80% of all crashes. For my family and the drivers, passengers, and pedestrians around me, I promise to cut back on distractions while I'm behind the wheel.

From now on, when I'm driving I will not:
  • Use my cell phone or any handheld device
  • Fiddle with my GPS
  • Change CD's or DVD's
  • Retrieve objects from the floor on the glove box
  • Put on makeup or fix my hair
  • Do anything that takes my focus off the road
If I'm a passenger in a car with a driver who breaks these rules, I'll speak up.

When it comes to the children in my car, I will not:
  • Pass toys or snacks to kids sitting in the backseat
  • Allow them to throw anything inside our vehicle (and I'll impose a strict punishment if they do)
The next time I shop for a car, I'll look for one with anti- distraction features...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

on a personal note

It has been a while since I had made a personal post so I thought I might do so now. I am approaching six months of being in business for myself this Friday! I can't even tell you what a ride it's been. So first and foremost I want to thank all my loyal patrons for helping support my little store...you guys are the best!
This past Tuesday we had below 0 temperatures here in Denver and I realized that I can make an executive decision, being the boss and all, and not go into work if the rest of Denver was closing down! It felt good to be the boss that day! So Eva and I stayed home, played in the snow, made hot cocoa, baked pumpkin raisin cookies, and just enjoyed being mommy and child. It was a great day! Now, getting back into the store after being shut down for two days was another thing. It just reminded me how much work I have ahead of me. There are times when I feel like there should be at least 36 hours in a day, there are times when all I can do is visualize this little store in 5 years and me sitting on a beach somewhere tropical... reaping all the benefits, and then there are times that I think "If I have to unpack another Melissa and Doug box I am going to scream!"

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Classes Scheduled for this month!

~ January 2011 ~ Naturally Loved Workshop Calendar








1 New Year's Day








10am Toddler Art Class $$

Ages: 16m-4yr

Cost: $10 Drop-in, $35 4-Classes



10:30am Healthy Moms & Babe: Healthy Recipe Swap & Juice Plus Talk - FREE


10:30am Coffee & Cream: Mother’s Gathering - FREE





11am Mother Goose Story Time - FREE


10am Infant Massage $$

Cost: $65, 3-week Series


5pm Baby Food 1: Yummy Purees and Mash $$

Cost: $30



10:30am Cloth Diaper/Baby Wearing Class $


17 Martin Luther King



10am Sanity Saver with Kerry Stutzman; Prequel to Love & Logic Classes $


10am Infant Massage $$

Cost: $65, 3-week Series



10am Major Mom: Organize & Energize - FREE


10:30am Baby Sign Language

Ages: Birth -18m

Cost: $150/8-Week Session


10am Thriving Mama Spa $$




11am Mother Goose Story Time - FREE


10am Infant Massage $$

Cost: $65, 3-week Series



10:30am Transforming Your Toddlers Challenging Behavior – FREE

Ages: 2yr-6yr


10:30am Baby Sign Language

Ages: Birth -18m

Cost: $150/8-Week Session

3pm Photography Workshop with Lynn Townsend $




Notes: $ = $5 Reservation Fee; $$ = Additional Material/Class Fee

For up-to-date & full class descriptions: www.naturallylovedbaby.com

Created using the unLicensed version of WinCalendar.