What is a doula?
Doulas are often trained and experienced in childbirth. They provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational support before labor, during labor, birth and the immediate postpartum period. A doula's goal is to help the woman have a safe and satisfying experience, as the woman defines it. The concept of a Doula is not new. A woman supporting another woman through labor is a tradition that goes back many years in all cultures. Some women do not live in close knit communities where their sisters, mothers, aunts, and friends are there to support them through pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood; these events can be scary and can make a woman feel lost if she has to experience them alone. A doula helps fill this gap by providing support to the woman and her partner or support system throughout the childbearing year. A doula does not replace the support system; instead she helps support them so that they can focus on loving and encouraging the laboring woman. Doulas also serve as a source of information during pregnancy, labor and birth. A doula assists families in gathering information about their pregnancy, labor and the options available for delivery. Another important role of the doula is providing continuous emotional reassurance, physical comfort such as massages, and a TENs machine and trusting in the woman's ability to birth her baby. The acceptance of doulas in maternity care is growing rapidly with the recognition of their important contribution to the improved physical outcomes and emotional well-being of mothers, partners and infants.[2]
On Dec. 10 we have a FaceBook promotion, so fan us! The Twelve Days of Christmas begins and we will have incredible deals each day a different sale!
On Dec 11 an Elimination Communication Seminar, find out how to start potty training as early as birth! 10:30 am
On Dec 12 Spa Sampler Day Come in from 10-11 and receive some pampering, mimosas, and great shopping deals! Naturally Loved will be opened from 10-3
Dec 15 is our Holiday Handmade event, Local artisans will showcase their beautiful work and you can shop! 5:30-7:30pm light refreshments served.
On Dec 17 Intro to Signing
Signing Smart Sign Language Play Classes ~ A Sneak Preview!
In a play class series you and your child will:
~ Play and have fun while learning to sign quickly and easily!
~ Learn to communicate faster and easier using signs!
~ Better understand each other, enhance your relationship and reduce frustration!
Join Julie Buck, owner of Denver Family Consulting, for a 30 minute Play Class Preview held at Naturally Loved Baby on Friday December 17th at 10:30 am. Come and see how sign language can benefit you and your child! $5 charge. RSVP to 303/955-6207. Walk-ins are always welcome! All children are welcome.
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