I am going to get better about this I promise, how you ask? Well I just spoke with my amazing Assistant Manager and she is going to start helping to post blogs, and sales, and interesting happenings!! That way you can all be informed and see what is really going on at naturally loved!
So the main reason for my lack of postings this past summer is... we are pregnant and expecting our other naturally loved bundle on February 21st! Right now we are all good but it was a rough summer. I have never been this nauseous EVER! I finally have morning sickness just in the morning! Needless to say we are thrilled and cannot wait to meet our
surprise. That is right, a surprise so for those of you who come into the store asking what I am having... so sorry :) We love the surprise and especially for me it is a test of will! As for those of you who know me well, you can absolutely chime in...I can't keep a surprise to save my life!
I hope that those who do read this are happy and well and are ready for fall weather! Here in Denver the leaves are quickly changing, such a short windo

w, and fall is definitely in the air. The pumpkin spiced lattes, fresh baked goodies, crunching of falling leaves, and cute kiddos dressed up!

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