It's that time of year moms and dads! The holiday season is upon us, and for many of us that means traveling near and far to visit those most near and dear to us. Traveling during the holidays can feel grueling, heck, it can be downright brutal....throw a baby or a toddler or two in the mix....and you might find yourself wanting to Skype with the family and avoid the whole thing.
However, I have come to find that traveling with an infant is not as bad as it's often made out to be. There are some simple tips and tricks for a safe and smooth trip. I also think the one of the biggest hurdles that I have come across is feeling really bad about my fellow passengers, and feeling as though I am interrupting their experience. A few things occurred to me..... 1) People need to travel, and people have kids...what can you do? 2) I do my best to keep my child entertained and happy, and that's really all I CAN do. 3) I believe that the people traveling with the kids are actually having a much harder time than the people who have to "deal with it".
For the young set (infants, babies, toddlers), preparation is the name of the game. Pack bottles, formula/milk, plan to nurse, bring pacifiers, soft toys, books and a change of clothes. If there ever was a time to stock that diaper bag to the max, the time is now! Most babies don't love the change in air pressure upon take off and landing...I mean, no one does...but at least we know why it's happening. Giving your baby something to suck on is key; bottle, pacifier, or breast will do! Try to make sure that you feed your child at the same times you would at home. Thirst and hunger can make even the most affable infant go gangbusters, and it can be hard to calm them once they have taken off.
For the older set (older toddlers and adolescents), preparation is the name of the game! Yes, same rules apply, just different bag. Make sure you fill their adorable rolling carry on with snacks, quiet games (or headphones for anything with sound), books and their favorite small doll or blanket. If you can keep your kids entertained, you should be pretty much set.
What do I do if my baby is having a melt down? Try to stay calm and not stress out. I know it's tough, but it's better for the baby to take the cues from your own mood. If you need to get up and walk the aisles, do so. If your baby needs an extra nursing session to calm down, and you are comfortable with it, let him have it! I have absolutely given my kid and extra snack or two during a long flight.
Most people are incredibly friendly and helpful, and many of them have been through what you are going through. Of course, you might have a Negative Nancy here and there. Cue the lady who loudly announced to the cabin that her dog was behaving better than my infant on our flight..... Mind you, the babe was doing pretty well...all things considered (his dad wasn't with us, we were going solo, and the flight was five hours). Is it wrong that I totally wished for a cocktail in that moment? Nonetheless, she obviously had something to prove about her dog and the there you go.
The long and short of it is.....of course, traveling with wee ones adds an extra dimension. You have to plan, plan, and plan some more. You have to leave from home earlier, check more bags than you ever thought possible, and lug 1000 pounds of stuff to and from the airport. However, spending time with friends and family during this amazing time of year makes it all worth it.
If all else fails, bake cookies for your nearby travelers....that should help ease the sting of your child's cries :)
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